Имплицитные элементы в первой автобиографии Е.И. Замятина
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Linguistic study
Text construction


Evgenii Zamiatin’s writings are characterized by a concise, elliptical, fragmentary style, which tends to suggest rather than describe and constantly involves the reader in the construction of the text. Such a modus scribendi can be found in the autobiographies he wrote between 1922 and 1931. 

This article is devoted to a linguistic study of Zamiatin’s first autobiography with the aim of identifying the features of such a concise and condensed writing, where much is left unsaid. 

The analysis focuses on two examples which refer to something  unrecoverable within the text. What does the unsaid refer to? Perhaps to the dramatic conditions, under which Russian intellectuals lived in that period, characterized by fear and self-censorship.

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