ИндиЯ: путь Я у Андрея Белого
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Andrei Belyi
Russian Symbolism
Silver Age
Russian Literature
Indian Philosophy


This article aims to explain the importance of I in Andrei Belyi’s work. Data is collected and analyzed from a passage of his manuscript A Crisis of Thinking. It is shown that the author has a strong intention to use the first personal pronoun in its singular form in his text. Additionally, the author argues that Belyi’s I is not a symbol of self-admiration, but evidence of his deep interests in Indian philosophical systems, in particular Vedanta and Buddhism. Further details are provided which justify Belyi’s appropriation of several Indian truths in order to solve the contemporary crisis of thinking. By pointing to the unity between the human being and the Absolute in Indian philosophical knowledge Belyi directs his readers’ attention to the divine nature of people.

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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